IEEE Std 1901a:2019 pdf download

IEEE Std 1901a:2019 pdf download

The project defines a standard for high. speed (> 100 Mbps at the physical layer) communication devices viaectric power lines, so-called broadband over power line (BPL) devices. This standard uses transmission frequencies below 100 MHz. It is usable by all classes of BPL devices, including BPL devices used for the first-mile/ last. mile connection (<1500 m to the premise) to broadband services as well as BPL devices used in buildings for local area networks (LANs), smart energy applications, transportation platform (vehicle) applications, Internet of Things applications, and other data distribution (<100 m between devices). This standard focuses on the balanced and efcient use of the power line communications channel by all classes of BPL devices, defining detailed mechanisms for coexistence and interoperability between different BPL devices, and assuring that desired bandwidth and quality of service may be delivered. The standard addresses the neces sary security questions to provide privacy of communications between users and allow the use of BPL for security-sensitive services. It is limited to the physical layer and the medium access sublayer of the data link layer, as defined by the Intermnational Organization for Standardization (ISO) Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Basic Reference Model.

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