IEC 61169-15:2021 pdf download

IEC 61169-15:2021 pdf download

This section of IEC 61169, a section specification (SS), offers guidance and regulations for drafting detailed specifications (DS) for RF coaxial connectors featuring an outer conductor inner diameter of 4.13 mm (0.163 in) and a threaded coupling, with a characteristic impedance of 50 Ω (SMA type).

The document outlines mating face dimensions for high-performance connectors (Grade 1), the dimensional specifics of standard test connectors (Grade 0), gauge information, and selected tests from IEC 61169-1, which are applicable to all detailed specifications pertaining to the SMA RF connector series.

It also suggests recommended performance characteristics to consider when compiling a detailed specification and includes test schedules and inspection requirements for assessment levels M and H.

SMA type RF coaxial connectors are utilized with a variety of RF cables and microstrips in microwave transmission systems. Their operational frequency extends up to 18 GHz. These connectors are compatible with 3.5 mm (IEEE 287-2007) and 2.92 mm (IEC 61169-35) connectors.

[Note: Metric dimensions are the original dimensions. All undimensioned pictorial representations are provided for reference only.]

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