IEC 61000-2-2:2002 addresses conducted disturbances within the frequency range of 0 kHz to 9 kHz, extending up to 148.5 kHz specifically for mains signaling systems. It establishes compatibility levels for public low voltage a.c. distribution systems with nominal voltages of up to 420 V for single-phase and 690 V for three-phase, operating at nominal frequencies of 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
The compatibility levels outlined in this standard apply at the point of common coupling. At the power input terminals of equipment that draws its supply from these systems, the severity levels of disturbances can generally be assumed to align with those at the point of common coupling. However, this may not hold true in certain cases, particularly when dealing with a long line dedicated to supplying a specific installation or when disturbances are generated or amplified within the installation that houses the equipment.
Compatibility levels are defined for electromagnetic disturbances typically encountered in public low voltage power supply systems, providing guidance on:
- The limits for disturbance emissions into public power supply systems, including planning levels defined in Section 3.1.5.
- The immunity limits to be established by product committees and others for equipment exposed to conducted disturbances in public power supply systems.
The disturbance phenomena considered include:
- Voltage fluctuations and flicker;
- Harmonics up to and including the 50th order;
- Inter-harmonics up to the 50th harmonic;
- Voltage distortions at higher frequencies (beyond the 50th harmonic);
- Voltage dips and brief supply interruptions;
- Voltage unbalance;
- Transient overvoltages;
- Variations in power frequency;
- d.c. components;
- Mains signaling.
Most of these phenomena are described in IEC 61000-2-1. In cases where compatibility levels cannot yet be established, some information is provided.