IEC 60936-1:2002 pdf download

IEC 60936-1:2002 pdf download

IEC 60936-1:2002 establishes the minimum performance criteria, testing methods, and the necessary test outcomes for compliance with performance standards that are no less stringent than those mandated by the IMO resolution MSC.64 (67), Annex 4. Furthermore, it considers the provisions of IMO resolution A.694 and is aligned with IEC 60945. In cases where a requirement of this standard differs from that of IEC 60945, the requirement of this standard shall be given priority.

The standard does not incorporate the optional performance requirements for the overlay of selected portions of SENC (Safety and Environmental Coding) information. These requirements are detailed in IEC 60936-3.

Text within this standard that mirrors the wording of the IMO resolution MSC.64 (67), Annex 4 is presented in italics. Additionally, the resolution is abbreviated as –A4, and the paragraph numbers are noted in parentheses, such as (A4/3.3).

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