IEC 60519-9:2005 pdf download

IEC 60519-9:2005 pdf download

This section of IEC 60519 pertains to industrial high-frequency dielectric heating installations designed for thermal applications such as melting, drying, welding, insect extermination, and the bonding of partially or non-conductive materials like plastics, wood, rubber, textiles, glass, ceramics, paper, bamboo, and food products, all within normal and protective atmospheres, including the use of inert gases or vacuum.

This standard applies to high-frequency dielectric heating installations with a nominal frequency ranging from 1 MHz to 300 MHz and a rated useful output power exceeding 50 W.

NOTE: According to CISPR 11, the International Telecommunication Union has designated preferred frequencies for use as fundamental ISM frequencies. The voltage band referenced in IEC 60519-1 pertains to the mains supply voltage. In certain circuits of the dielectric heating installation, the d.c., a.c., or radio-frequency voltages may exceed these values (for instance, in the generator due to an integrated transformer).

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