IEC 60515:2007 pdf download

IEC 60515:2007 pdf download

The present International Standard is designated for radiation detectors that are situated outside the core of nuclear reactors and supply electrical input signals to the reactor’s control and instrumentation system. These detectors are predominantly gas-filled neutron detectors, and the standard pertains exclusively to this category, although its principles may be adaptable to other types, such as gas-filled gamma radiation detectors. Consequently, this standard delineates the characteristics and testing methodologies for gas-filled radiation detectors intended for the protection of nuclear reactors.

Detectors covered by this standard include:

  • Boron DC ionization chambers,
  • Fission DC ionization chambers or fission pulse ionization chambers (fission counters),
  • Boron trifluoride proportional pulse counter tubes,
  • Helium-3 proportional pulse counter tubes.

The standard may also be employed for DC ionization chambers designed for gamma radiation detection; however, the detectors discussed within this document are not intended for use in personal dosemetry.

In-core radiation detectors are covered by IEC 60568 and IEC 61468.

NOTE: This list is not exhaustive, and it is anticipated that all types of radiation detectors utilized in reactor installations will benefit from this standard. Additionally, the standard for testing also applies to connecting cables and connectors when they are an integral component of the detector.

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