IEC 60426:2007 pdf download

IEC 60426:2007 pdf download

This standard determines the capability of insulating materials to induce electrolytic corrosion on metals when in contact with them under the influence of electric stress, high humidity, and elevated temperature.

To evaluate the effect of electrolytic corrosion, two methods are employed in one test:

  1. The visual semi-quantitative method involves comparing the corrosion observed on the anode and cathode metal strips with those depicted in reference figures. This method involves directly assessing the degree of corrosion on two copper strips, which function as anode and cathode respectively, placed in contact with the tested insulating material under a d.c. potential difference at specified environmental conditions. The degree of corrosion is then assessed by visually comparing the corrosion marks on the anode and cathode metal strips with those shown in the reference figures.
  2. The quantitative method involves conducting tensile strength measurements on the same anode and cathode metal strips after visual inspection. An additional quantitative test method for determining electrolytic corrosion, which involves tensile strength measurement of copper wire, is described in the informative Annex C.

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