IEC 60352-7:2002 pdf download

IEC 60352-7:2002 pdf download

This section of IEC 60352 pertains to spring-clamp connections made with stripped wires without any additional preparation. It covers:

  • Solid conductors with a nominal diameter ranging from 0.32 mm to 3.7 mm (cross-section of 0.08 mm² to 10 mm²),
  • Stranded conductors with a cross-section of 0.08 mm² to 10 mm²,
  • Flexible conductors with a cross-section of 0.08 mm² to 10 mm²,

as defined by IEC 60228 or IEC 60189-3, intended for use in telecommunication equipment and similar electronic devices.

In addition to the test procedures, this standard includes information on materials and data derived from industrial experience to ensure the creation of electrically stable connections under specified environmental conditions. The purpose of this part of IEC 60352 is to assess the suitability of spring-clamp connections under defined mechanical, electrical, and atmospheric conditions.

NOTE: IEC Guide 109 emphasizes the importance of minimizing a product’s environmental impact throughout its entire life cycle. It is acknowledged that some materials allowed in this standard may have adverse effects on the environment. As technology progresses and viable alternatives become available, these materials will be phased out from the standard.

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