AWS B1.11M:2015 pdf download

AWS B1.11M:2015 pdf download

1.2 Scope. This guide essentially provides an introduction to visual examination of welding. These examinations fall into three categories based on the time they are performed, as follows: (1) prior to welding, (2) during welding, and (3) after welding. An extensive treatment is provided on weld surface conditions, including reference to frequently used ter-minologies associated with preferred and non-preferred conditions. Visual examination may be performed by different people or organizations. Personnel performing welding examination include welders, welding supervisors, the contrac-tor’s welding examiner, the purchaser’s examiner, or the regulatory examiner. For the purpose of simplicity, these indi-viduals are referred to as visual examiners in the remainder of this standard in that they perform visual examination.Fabrication documents, contract specifcations, and regulatory agencies may specify who performs final examinations.

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