This Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Compo-nents Code is aSectionofthe AmericanSocietyofMechan-ical Engineers (ASME) Code for Pressure Piping, B31. This Section is published as a separate documentfor simplicity and for convenience ofCode users. The users ofthis Code are advised that in some areas legislation may establish governmental jurisdiction over the subject matter covered by the Code. The owner of a piping installation shall choose which piping codes are applicable to the installation and shall have the overall responsibility for compliance with this Code. (See Nonmandatory Appendix B.) The owner ofa complete piping installation shall have the overall responsibility for compliance with this Code.
It is required that the engineering design specify any special requirements pertinent to the particular service involved. For example, the engineering design shall not foranyservicespecifyaweldqualitylowerthanthatstipu-lated in para. 527.3.2(d) for the Code-required visual examination quality and for the types of welds involved; but where service requirements necessitate added quality and more extensive nondestructive examination, these are to be specified in the engineering design and anyrevi-sionthereto, andwhenso specified, theCode requires that they be accomplished.