This Standard provides performance and safety re-quirements for pliers suitable for cutting wire; for long-nose, long-reach pliers; for hand shears generally used for cutting sheet metal; for wire-twister pliers,which are used primarily for securing safety wires; for pliers suitable for inserting and removing internal and external retaining rings, including those covered by ASME B18.27; for pliers having gripping surfaces and/or cutting edges; for cutters and pliers less than 6 in.long, equipped with a spring, typically used in the manu-facture of electronic equipment; for adjustable joint and slipjointpliers; forlockingpliers thataresuitableforgrip-ping, clamping, pinching, cutting, and wrenching; for pliers (also known as Cannon Plug Pliers) that are used primarily for connecting or disconnecting threaded lockcol larsofelectrical connectors; andforwirestrippers,and the cutting and stripping functions of multipurpose tools, for use on solid and stranded copper wire. The tools covered in this Standard are listed by Category number in Sections 6 through 16.