ASME B1.25:2019 pdf download

ASME B1.25:2019 pdf download

(a) This Standard notes technical factors that can explain measurement differences between two parties calibrating the same gage. It is directed to the metrology involved, not acceptance rules or other quality considerations.
(b) While measurement uncertainty applies to the cali-bration of gages to any standard, this Standard focuses on gages made to ASME standards only. The calibration of gages necessitates a thorough understanding of the stan-dards they were made to because the standards often include required conditions for and corrections to the calibration.
(c) Users of this Standard should be aware that while a number of elements for each gage type are listed, inde-pendent calibration laboratories may not include them all in their reports. Agreement should be reached with outside calibration providers as to what elements are included in their various levels of calibration.

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